The Ferrari driver Scheggy has spoken out for the first time since his time in the ERL in 2021. The driver believes that he is the big favorite in this year’s season in the VMR.

Scheggy, who previously won the 2nd division in 2TL, is a familiar face to many, but an unknown face to even more. He spoke intelligently on Saturday morning when asked about this year’s season.
–Everyone knows that I am the big favorite in this year’s season. Those who think otherwise, they simply do not know what they are talking about, as I am a driver who always gives my very best, and have plans to maybe take some points this season, stated Scheggy.
There are many talented drivers that Scheggy will have to beat, but according to himself, no one can match him, at least not when it comes to facial beard growth.
–The positive thing is that I have so much beard, that all my opponents think that I have a beard in my eye and therefore won’t perform at the top, but they are wrong, the beard means that my car is at least not underweight, and there everyone else gets disqualified due to weight, so I’m going to cruise in to a comfortable win, was Scheggy’s blunt comment.
Scheggy has yet to run a race this season, but his first opportunity to prove himself will be in Austria next Tuesday.